"Teenage Love"
Today I went to breakfast with the fam, and found out that today was Prom night for all the "High Schoolers." It took me back a little bit because I think that everyone has those moments of "if I knew then what I know now" would I do things different. I wasn't necessarily a Casanova back in the day, but thinking about it I don't really think that I would end up doing anything different if that was the case. My summers were fairly lazy, blissfully unaware, and usually spent sleeping in or watching college coeds making whip cream bathing suits on MTV. Not that things have changed that much, but now that I'm out in the real world I'm glad that I had that time. Which brings me to my point...I have to thank the girls that actually understood me, and even put themselves on the line to ask me to Prom. There's definitely not a doubt in my mind that without the women that have been in my life that I would still be the same geeky, shameless perv today that I was back then. :) I probably would have given up a long time ago too. That's the reminiscing and cliche for today.
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