Saturday, July 17, 2004

I'm Back

Well, I have no been back from Europe for a little over a week. The trip was an amazing experience, and I was unable to blog during the trip for a few reasons: cost, time, and the fact that there was almost too much happening around me to blog about. Plus what happens in Europe stays in Europe. :) Mostly kidding. I kept an actual written journal instead, but I can't imagine a blog description of the trip would be that exciting. I've retold the story a few times verbally since I've been back, which has worked out well because I can show some pictures to go along with the tales also.

Either way, I came back to a little bit of a different world. I was away for just under four weeks too. Pepsi and Coke have gone soft with their low carb sodas, Kobe Bryant is now basically running the Lakers, my Mom and Step Dad are moving to Arizona, my cousin had a baby, and I had to move my office when I came back also. ok...that's not that long or bad of a list. It did seem different when I came back, but I think that I've changed also in the way that not as much shocks me after a trip where I was out of my element almost the whole time.

Overall, it did feel a little strange to be home, but after being home for a week I have realized that despite the changes, most of my relationships with friends and family have stayed the same luckily. I did get a little jealous when my friend, who's still over in Europe traveling, e-mailed me to tell me about Stockholm and Denmark though. Hearing about these places just gives me a reason to go back the next time I get a chance . I'm much more of a home body than he is so I don't think that I could travel for three to six months at a time like he is doing. I was happy with four weeks, and I think that about three months would be my limit on living out of a suitcase.

That's about all I have to say about that. I got to go to a collage of places starting out in London, then Nice, Corsica for hiking and beach time, Barcelona to party, the Bordeaux region of France to recover, Paris for culture, Vienna also for culture, and then Amsterdam for just about anything. If you know me and want to know more I'm willing to swap stories, but I think that you can get a quick summary from the cities I visited. :) Less is more sometimes...right?


At July 17, 2004 at 11:41 PM, Blogger Temujin said...

Sounds sweet dude. I've gotta do some travelling soon too.
Great blog template, I approve whole heartedly!

At July 21, 2004 at 6:03 PM, Blogger Mike G said...

I've never thought of my headlines that way. I don't really have a witty come back for that because I can actually see what you mean. :)


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