Sunday, September 24, 2006

High Tide or Low Tide

It's now getting a little cooler outside, but I'm coming out of hybernation for another post. After a lot of time thinking about how to finish school and get my degree, I am now taking classes at the Art Institute Online, which has so far been a really good experience. I will be doing some animation classes that I'm sure I will enjoy, and it allows me to make my own schedule, which is a lot easier since I work full time during the day. I'm also hoping that it will allow me to get out faster since the courses are accelerated.

I don't do it very often, but I also wrote to some of the city council members here the other day when I heard about a campaign to save the surf spot Trussels here in Southern California. I figured that sending a quick e-mail is the least I could do to help raise awareness of a proposed Toll Road that will go through that area, possibly damaging the beach and surf in that area, which is a pretty famous surf spot mentioned in songs by the Beach Boys. I have learned to surf in that area. It has a lot of historical surf culture, and I think is a great place to learn to surf and enjoy a beautiful beach. I have not read any reports on the impact the toll road could have yet, but at the same time I don't think that anyone truly knows what the impact could be. I just didn't think that the risk is worth the reward of a toll road that I don't think would get used as much as it costs to build. Other toll roads in the area have not been that successful from what I know. Anyway, I'll get off of my soap box. :)

Other than that, things have been going fairly well. Football is back on, which is always great. I've been learning some programming for work, and that has been interesting. I am also taking some time off soon to spend some time with my girlfriend, which is always great too. The only thing that has been unfortunate is that my Aunt has been really sick, but, like everyone in my family, we are all hoping that she will get better. She is a great person.


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